The ultimate destination for entrepreneurship in Northeast India


Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of laptop New

Expression of Interest (EOI) for operation and maintenance of Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) machine under Bioprospecting facility, Technology Incubation Centre, Guwahati Biotech Park, Amingaon, North Guwahati-31 New

Notice Inviting Tender for design, supply and installation of Steel Sculpture (DNA Double Helix) at Guwahati Biotech Park, Amingaon New

Notice Inviting Tender Document for Design, supply and installation of Steel Sculpture (DNA Double Helix) at Gyuwahati Biortech Park, Amingaon New

Notice Inviting Quotations for appointment of Chartered Accountant Firms for conducting Statutory Audit of Guwahati Biotech Park and Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre for the Financial Year 2023-24 and 2024-25 New

NIQ for supply, installation and commissioning of Electricals and solar panel for Biofloc unit under Business Incubation Centre for Fisheries and Aquaculture (BICFA) at Guwahati Biotech Park (GBP) New

Notice Inviting Quotation for supply and installation of Refrigerator at Guwahati Biotech Park New

Notice for Inviting Tender through E-procurement for supply, installation & Commissioning of Laboratory Equipment at Guwahati Biotech park New

NIQ for supply and commissioning of setting up of Biofloc unit under Business Incubation Centre for Fisheries and Aquaculture (BICFA) at Guwahati Biotech Park (GBP)

Expression of Interest (EOI) for operation and maintenance of Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) machine under Bioprospecting facility Technology Incubation Centre, Guwahati Biotech Park, Amingaon, North Guwahati – 31

Request for proposal (RFP) for Engagement of Consultancy Firm for development of the Business Enterprise Zone of Guwahati Biotech Park(GBP) under the scheme Promotion of MSMEs in NER and Sikkim, Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India

Notice Inviting Quotations for Annual Maintenance Contract – UPS

Notice Inviting Quotation for supply and installation of Gradient PCR Machine

Short Notice Inviting Quotation for supply and Installation of Equipments at Nidhi Prayasshala, Guwahati Biotech Park

Notice Inviting Quotation for supply and commissioning of setting up Biofloc unit at Business Incubation Centre for Fisheries and Aquaculture (BICFA), Guwahati Biotech Park (GBP)

Notice Inviting Quotation for supply, installation and commissioning of laboratory equipment at Business Incubation Centre for Fisheries and Aquaculture (BICFA), Guwahati Biotech Park (GBP)

Notice Inviting Quotation for supply, installation and commissioning of laptop and printer for office use at Business Incubation Centre for Fisheries and Aquaculture (BICFA), Guwahati Biotech Park (GBP)

List of vendors empanelled with Guwahati Biotech Park against NIT No. GBP/8.2.5/ 2023-24/5653 Dtd: 28 th Feb , 2024 for supply of chemicals/Solvents/glassware/plasticsware & miscellaneous items for laboratory use in Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation

Notice Inviting Tender for Quotation for Supply of File Covers

Notice Inviting Tender for Quotation for Suppy and Installation of Equipment

Notice for Inviting Quotation for supply, erection and commissioning of office furniture at Guwahati Biotech Park

Notice Inviting Tender for engaging Annual Rate Contract for supply of Chemicals/ Solvents / Glassware/ Plastics ware Chemicals Pipettes & Micropipettes, Media & Reagents, Laboratory wares etc

Request for proposal (RFP) for Engagement of Consultancy Firm for development of the Business Enterprise Zone of Guwahati Biotech Park under the scheme Promotion of MSMEs in NER and Sikkim, Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India

Notice Inviting Quotationfor supply of Goods & Services for maintenance of 20nos, 800 KVA Transformer at Guwahati Biotech Park, Amingaon

Notice Inviting Quotation for repairing Expansion Joint Work at TIC of Guwahati Biotech Park

Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Electrical Goods at Guwahati Biotech Park, Amingaon

Notice Inviting Tender for supply, erection and commissioning of office furniture at Guwahati Biotech park

Notice Inviting Quotation for supply & Installation of 12 V/ 180AH Generator Battery with buy back of old battery at Guwahati Biotech Park, Amingaon

Notice Inviting Quotation for supply, erection, installation and commissioning of 3,700 Lumens 1080P Projector with 6′ X 4′ Motorized Projector screen and 55’ display unit for Guwahati Biotech Park

Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Training Chairs for Guwahati Biotech Park

Notice Inviting Quotation for supply & installation of 42AH Battery for Auditorium at Guwahati Biotech Park, Amingaon

Short Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of batteries with buy back of old batteries

Tender Document for Design, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 10 KLD Effluent Treatment Plant at Guwahati Biotech Park, Amingaon

Notice Inviting Quotation for Repairing Work at TIC of Guwahati Biotech Park

Notice Inviting Quotation for Supply & Refilling of various Empty Gas Cylinders (Helium, Nitrogen, Oxygen, etc.)

Notice Inviting Quotation for Design and Development of dynamic website for Assam Biotechnology Council

Notice Inviting Quotation (NIQ) for Annual Rate Contract (ARC) for Supply & Refilling of various Empty Gas Cylinders (Argon, Helium, Nitrogen, Oxygen, etc.)
The last date for submission of quotations has been extended upto 20th March 2023, 2 PM
The Quotation will be open at 3PM

Expression of Interest(EOI) for the Bio-informatics Facility (BIF) at Technology Incubation Centre of Guwahati Biotech Park, Amingaon

Notice for Selection of CA firm for Conducting Statutory Audit of GBP & GBPIC for the F.Y. 2021-22 & F.Y. 2022-23

Notice Inviting Tender for Appointment of Chartered Accountant Firms for conducting Statutory Audit of Guwahati Biotech Park and Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre for the Financial Year 2021-22 and Financial Year 2022-23

NIQ Cancellation Notice

Notice Inviting Quotation for Engagement of Chartered Accountant Firm for conducting Statutoty Audit of Guwahati Biotech Park and Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre for the financial year 2021-2022 and 2022-2023

Notice Inviting Quotation for Providing Inauguration & Foundation Laying PLAQUE in SS Plate (3’X4’)

Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Electrical Goods at GBP

Notice Inviting Quotation for Road Side Signage at Guwahati Biotech Park

Notice Inviting Applications for Empanelment at Guwahati Biotech Park

Notice Inviting Quotation for Un-installation of Air Conditioner installed in GBP and shifting to permanent site at Amingaon

Notice Inviting Quotation for Un-installation, Shifting & Re-installation of Wooden Furniture, LCD Projector, CC Camera

Notice Inviting Quotation for Supply and Installation of Acrylic Name Plates

Tender Document for Operation & Annual Maintenance Contract for Electrical Works at Guwahati Biotech Park, Amingaon

Notice Inviting Quotation for Supply of Door Mats

Final E Tender Document for Housekeeping, Gardening, Driver and Plumber Service at GBP

Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Door Mats

Notice Inviting Quotation for Interior styling of Technology Incubation Centre of Guwahati Biotech Park at Amingaon

Notice Inviting Quotations for Dismantling, & Reinstallation (Excluding Transportation) of Existing Modular Laboratory Benches of Guwahati Biotech Park

Tender Document For Supply, Installation & Commissioning Of Pre- Filter Oxidation Chamber And Iron Removal Filter In Guwahati Biotech Park, Amingaon Technical Bid GUWAHATI BIOTECH PARK, AMINGAON TECHNICAL BID

Notice Inviting Tender document for supply, installation & commissioning of pre-filter oxidation chamber and iron removal filter in Guwahati Botech Park, Amingaon

Short Notice Inviting quotation for supply and installation of UPS batteries with buy back of old batteries

Short Notice Inviting Quotation for supply and installation of Instruments

Notice for Inviting Tender through e-procurement Online Bids are invited from the reputed firms under two bid system for procurement for supply, installation & commissioning of Laboratory Equipments at Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Center

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from the manufacturers /authorized distributors of Exide/Amaron make for the purchase of 31 Numbers of UPS Batteries (Including installation and calibration) with buy back of existing 31 UPS Batteries.

Guwahati Biotech invites sealed quotations from eligible/experienced bidders for dismantling, shifting and reinstalltion of existing Fume Hoods of Guwahati Biotech Park.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed tenders from certified manufacturer/dealer for supply and installation of Modular Laboratory Furniture (Wall Bench).

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations manufacturers/authorized distributors/stockists/dealers for entering into annual rate contract for supply of items grouped as Chemicals/Solvents, Plasticware, Glassware, Pipettes & Micropipettes, Labware etc.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from manufacturers/dealers for supply of Refrigerator – 415 Litres.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from reputed supplier/ manufacturer/authorized agents for supply of Office Furniture.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from reputed suppliers/dealers/distributors for supply of books.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed tenders from certified manufacturer/dealer for supply and installation of Modular Laboratory Furniture.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites quotations from manufacturers/suppliers/authorized dealers for supply and installation of software/hardware/accessories for Bioinformatics Facility at Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites quotations from manufacturers/suppliers/authorized dealers for supply and installation of Laboratory Equipment for Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from reputed and experienced firms/companies for Annual Maintenance Contract of UPS.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from supplier/manufacturer/authorized agents for supply of Laboratory Furniture.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from reputed manufacturers/authorized distributors/Stockists/dealers for entering into Annual Rate Contract(ARC) for supply and refilling of various Emply Gas Cylinders (Helium, Nitrogen, Oxygen etc).

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from reputed supplier/manufacturer/authorized agents for supply of machineries/instruments mobility tools.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from manufacturers/authorized distributors/suppliers for supply of Desktop.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from manufacturers/authorized distributors/Suppliers for supply of General Microscope (including installation and calibration.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites Expression of Interest (EoIs) from reputed printing firms/agencies for empanelment to undertake various printing and designing work.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from reputed and experienced Firms/Companies for annual maintenance contract for computers, printers and UPS.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed tender under two bid system from Chartered Accountant Firms for conducting Internal Audit of GBP and GBPIC for the F.Y. 2019-20.

Guwahati Biotech park invites sealed tenders from experienced and resourseful contractors for providing the following services : Gardening & Housekeeping and driver.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from reputed companies/supply agencies/authorized dealers for supply of Desktop Computers.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from supplier/manufacturer/authorized agents for supply of one Photocopier Machine with Buy Back Option.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from supplier/manufacturer/authorized agents for supply of office furnitures.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from reputed authorized publishers/Dealers/Suppliers for supply of Books and Periodicals at Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from reputed Companies/supply agencies for supply of Laptop.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations under two bid system from reputed and experienced Firms/Companies for Non-Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of CCTV Surveillance System installed at Guwahati Biotech Park.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations under two bid system from reputed and experienced Firms/Companies for Non-Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of CCTV Surveillance System installed at Guwahati Biotech Park.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations under two bid system from reputed and experienced Firms/Companies for Non-Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of CCTV Surveillance System installed at Guwahati Biotech Park.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from experienced firms/companies dealing with Annual Maintenance Contractsin respect of Computers, Laptops, Printers, Scanners, UPS and refilling of Toners etc.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for empanelment with Travel Agencies/Registered Firms for providing vehicle service including driver on daily/monthly basis.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from reputed Companies/supply agencies for supply of Laptop.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed tender under two bid system from Chartered Accountant Firms for conducting Statutory Audit of Guwahati Biotech Park and Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre for the F.Y. 2017-18.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed tender under two bid system for selection of tax consultancy firm for delaing with Indian Tax matters at Guwahati Biotech Park and Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre for the F.Y. 2018-19.

Guwahati Biotech park Incubation Centre invites sealed bids in two bid system for AMC/CMC/Repair and Maintenance of Instruments at Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed tenders from reputed manufacturers/authorized distributors /Stockists/dealers for entering into Annual rate Contract for the supply of items grouped as Chemicals/ Solvents, Plasticware, Glassware, Pipettes & micropipettes, Gases, Consumables & Miscellaneous items etc at Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre.

Guwahati Biotech park invites sealed quotations from reputed supplier/manufacturer/ authorized agents for supply of Laboartory Furnitures.

Guwahati Biotech park Incubation Centre invites sealed bids in two bid system for AMC/CMC/Repair and Maintenance of Instruments at Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre.

Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre invites quotations from reputed manufacturers/suppliers or their authorized dealers for supply and installation of software, hardware and accessories for Bioinformatics facility.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed tenders in two bid system from reputed original equipment manufacturers or authorized dealers for supply of Laboratory Equipments for Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from experienced Designers/Decorators/ Contractors/Firms for designing, fabrication, construction, installation and dismantling of Biotechnology Sector Exhibition Stall during Global Investment Summit-Advantage Assam 2018. For details,

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed tenders from competent contractors/firms engaged in undertaking the AMC of Air Conditioner.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from manufacturers/authorized distributions for supply of UPS with batteries (including installation and callibration).

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from reputed Companies /supply agencies for supply, installation and commissioning of Laptop and Printer cum Scanner.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from authorized dealers/reputed companies for supply of office furnitures .

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed quotations from reputed Companies/supply agencies for supply, installation and commissioning of Desktop UPS and Laser Printer.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites sealed and superscribed limited bids in two Bid System from experienced and reputed contractors from AMC of electrical maintenance work of GBP.

Sealed quotations are invited from the manufacturers/authorized distributors of Exide/Amaron make for purchase of 32 numbers of UPS Batteries with buy back of existing 32 UPS Batteries.

Expression of Interests(EOIs) are invited for empanelment of agencies/firms for Designing and Printing.

Sealed tenders are invited from competent and interested registered companies/firms/contractors for outsourcing of the following services in Guwahati Biotech Park; 1. Housekeeping and Gardening Services 2. Driver .

Sealed tenders are invited from reputed manufacturers/authorized distributors/Stockists/dealers for entering into Annual Rate Contract for supply of items grouped as Chemicals/Solvents, Plasticwares,Glassware, Pipettes and micropipettes,Gases, Consumables and Miscellaneous items such as Filter paper/TLC Plates/Glass slides/Cover Slips/Cryogloves/Cryoboxes etc.

Guwahati Biotech Park invites applications from reputed Chartered Accountant Firms for carrying Internal Audit of Guwahati Biotech Park and Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre. The last date for receipt of filled in Application is 18.10.2016 up to 3 PM.

Guwahati Biotech invites Request For Proposals(RFP) from experienced Architectural/Engineering Consultant for “Engagement of Technical Consultant for preparation of MASTER PLAN of Guwahati Biotech Park at Amingoan, District: Kamrup, Assam”.

Sealed quotations are invited from reputed and experienced Firms/Companies for AMC of computers, laptops, printers and refilling of printer cartridge, toner.

Expression of Interests (EOIs) are invited for empanelment of Vendors/Agencies for 1.Supply of various goods

Expression of Interests (EOIs) are invited for empanelment of Stationery Supplier and printing agencies.

Quotations are invited from reputed manufacturers/suppliers or their authorized dealers for supply and installation of software, hardware and accessories for Bioinformatics Facility in Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre. The last date for submission of Bids has been extended up to 25.03.2016 (Friday) up to 17.00 hrs

Sealed Bids in two – bid system are invited from reputed and experienced Architectural Firm for ” Engagement of Architectural Firm for Development of Guwahati Biotech Park and Construction of the Technology Incubation Centre at Amingaon, North Guwahati, Assam. For details please click –

Sealed Quotations are invited from reputed original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or their authorized dealers for suplly and installation of Laboratory Equipments in Guwahati Biotech Park. For details please click –

Quotations are invited from reputed contractors and suppliers for SITC (Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning) of EPABX system along with Telephone sets and Accesories in Guwahati Biotech Park. For details please click –

Sealed quotations are invited from experienced Firms/Agencies for “Providing Housekeeping and Gardening Services” in the campus of the Guwahati Biotech Park. For details please click –

Request for Proposal are invited from original equipment manufacturer(OEM) or authorized dealer for providing Annual Maintenance Contract Services to sophisticated laboratory equipments at Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre. For details please click – RFP Document. Please note the last date for submission of RFP has been extended till 14.1.2015 up to 4 PM.

Sealed tenders are invited for and on behalf of Guwahati Biotech Park from competent contractors/firms engaged in undertaking the Annual Maintenance Contract of Air Conditioner and having certification for taking up AMC of Air Conditioner of reputed brand. For details please click –

Sealed quotations are invited from experienced Firms/Agencies for ” Providing Housekeeping and Gardening Services” in the campus of the Guwahati Biotech Park. For details please click-

Sealed quotations are invited from Individuals/Registered Firms/Travel Agencies for providing vehicles(A.C/Non A.C) on monthly basis as and when required. For details please click –

Request for proposals (RFP) are invited from experienced Architectural/Engineering Consultant for Concept Design Competition for Development and Construction of Guwahati Biotech Park at Amingoan, North Guwahati. For details please click – RFP Documents. It is notified for information of all concerned that the last day for submission of RFP has been extended up to 25.7.2014 till 3 p.m.

Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed manufacturers/authorized distributors/stockists/dealers for entering into Annual Rate Contract for the supply of Chemicals/Solvents/Glassware/Plasticsware/Gases and Miscellaneous Items for laboratory use. For details please click –

Sealed Tenders are invited for Minor Renovation Work at Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre. For details please click –

Sealed Tenders invited for supply of Laboratory Equipment in Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre. For details please click –

Tenders invited for construction of Boundary Wall of Guwahati Biotech Park at Amingaon. For details please click –

Quotations invited for supply of Drum Unit of Photocopier Machine. For details please click-

Quotations invited for award of Annual Maintenance Contract of Photocopier Machine. For details please click-

Tenders invited for undertaking the Annual Maintenance contract of Air Conditioner. For details please click

Quotations invited for supply of books. For details please click –