Infrastructure facilities
GBPIC would provide equipped laboratory space to the companies to translate their research ideas into commercialisable technologies without risking huge investments on buildings and equipments.
The following areas are identified as thrust areas for the Incubation Centre –
- Central Analytical Instrumentation Facility (Charge List / Requisition Form)
- A few equipments are also available under Utilities ( Charge List/Requisition Form)
- Other equipments (Charge List/Requisition Form)
- Greenhouse (Specifications)
- Cold Room (Specifications)
The Park brings together infrastructural facilities from diverse categories of biotechnology, chemical sciences, pharmaceuticals, bioinformatics and technology support services and include
- Approximately 20,000 sq ft of lab space
- Ready-to-use modular wet laboratories, fully furnished and with core and shell utilities (Modular lab)
- Developed space to create custom-built research centers, pilot plants etc.
- Business and administrative support
- Conferences and training workshops support (conference room)(conference room)(Charges for Conference Hall Use)
- Library and Information Management
Activities for prospective tenants to be supported by GBPIC include:
- Research, product development, prototype testing and consulting, along with the offices, laboratories or other facilities that support these activities;
- Production or assembly of prototypes and pilot facilities that are related to on-site research and development activities or the testing of production processes located elsewhere; and
- Provision of research-related services that support research programs within the GBP.
- A very high quality analytical testing and certification laboratory is being set up to meet the needs of the entrepreneurs. –The Central Analytical Instrumentation Facility which provides services viz. sample analysis and training services to users both within and out side the park.
List of instruments/equipments/general utility facilities currently available at GBPIC
Agilent 6410 Triple Quad MS-MS
2. GC MS
PerkinElmer Clarus680 GC/600C MS
3. CHNS Elemental Analyzer
Eurovector EA3000
4. Mass Directed auto-purification system
Agilent 1200 Series
5. UV Spectrophotometer
Analytik Jena, Model: Specord 210 BU Plus
6. IR Spectrophotometer
Thermo Fisher Thermo Nicolet iS10
7. Speed Vac (Vacuum Concentrator)
Eppendorf Concentrator Plus
8. Ultracentrifuge
Beckman Coulter L100K
9. Digital Polarimeter
10. Digital pH Meter
Mettler five easy TM PH Meter
11. Sonicator
Sonics VCX-500 Sonicator Vibra Cell Ultrasonic Processor
12. High Precision Electronic Balance (5 Digit)
Sartorius Semi-Micro Model:CPA225D (2 No.s)
13. Millipore water filtration system
Millipore Ultrapure water Purification system- Millipore Elix Avance
14. Rotavapour (5L) with Pump & Chiller
Buchi R-215V (Rotavapor); JeioTech-6106M (Chiller) (10 No.s)
15. Rotavapour (20L) with Pump & Chiller
Heidolph Lebrota 20(Rotavapor); Polyscience 6100M (ChillerX2)
16. Magnetic Stirrer with Hot Plate
IKA Magnetic stirrer with Hot plate, CMAG HS7 (7 No.s)
17. Microcentrifuge (Non Refrigerated)
Eppendorf Minispin Micro centrifuge
18. Flourescence spectrophotometer
Agilent (Varian) Cary Eclipse
19. Microcentrifuge (Refrigerated)
Eppendorf Model: 5424R
20. High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge
Hermle High Speed Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge Model: Z 326K (4 No.s)
21. Continuos Flow Centrifuge
Hitachi High Speed Continuous Flow Centrifuge Floor Model CR 22G III
22.BOD Incubator
Scigenics-ORBITEK BOD-350L
23. CO2 Incubator
Thermo Scientific Forma series-II Water jacketed CO2 Incubator
24. Biosafety Cabinet
Thermo Scientific 1300 series Class II Water Type A2 Biosafety cabinet
25. Gel Dryer
Hoefer GD2002 Vacuum Gel Dryer
26. Horizontal Mini and Max Sub-Marine Electrophoresis Unit
Hoefer HE33 mini submarine unit & HE 99X Max submarine unit
27. Electroporator
Eppendorf Eporator
28. PCR
Agilent SURECYCLER 8800
29. Incubator/Environmental Shaker
30. Hybridization Oven/Shaker
Scigenics -ORBITEK- HiBi-2D
31. Autoclave (Vertical)
32. Vortex
IKA Vortex Genius 3
33. Slot-Blot Apparatus
Bio-Rad Bio Dot SF
34. Rotary High Vacuum Pump
35. Ice Flaking Machine
Simag SPR-80 Ice Flaking Machine
36. Deep Freezer (-40o C)
Haier Make/DW-40L508 (2 No.s)
37. Deep Freezer (-86o C)
Haier Make/DW-86L728
38. Stereo zoom Microscope
Carl Zeiss/Discovery V 20 with motorized zoom
39. Gel Documentation System
Syngene/GBOX F3
40. Hot Air Oven
41. Water Bath Shaker
CAMAG /Camag Lino Mat5
43. Lyophilizer
LABCONCO/FreeZone Freeze Dry System (-50DC)
44. HPLC ( Analytical) & HPLC (Preparative)
Agilent/1260 Infinity (Anal) & Agilent/1260 Infinity (Prep)
45. High Precession Electronic Balance (6 digit)
A&D Company(Japan) /BM-22
46. Heating Mantle (500mL, 1LX2, 2L)
47. Glass Distillation Unit
48. SS Water Bath (10L & 20 L)
49. Hot air oven with built in blower fan & digital control
Thermo Scientific/Heratherm-51028153
50. Hot air oven
51. Horizontal Autoclave
52. Confocal Microscope
Leica/TCS SP8
53. Fluorescence Microscope
Carl Zeiss/AxioObserver Z1
54.Ion Exchange & Fixed Gel Chromatography Unit
GE Healthcare Bio-sciences/BPG columns200/500, 140/950, 140/500
55. Pass box
ELS Instrument/SS Passbox (Static)
56. Microwave Oven
Samsung/MC28H5023AK (2 No.s)
57. Refrigerator 400L
58. Ice Flaker
Biobase/IME 100(FIM100)
59. Shaker
G-Bioscience/Benchtop Shaker-BT-GS-20
60. Weighing Balance (Readability:1g, Capacity:6 kg)
61.Electronic Balance (4 digit, Readability:0.1mg, Max.Capacity:220 g)
Mettler Toledo/ME-204
62. Mechanical Platform Balance 500 Kg
63. Digital Platform Balance 200 Kg
64. Stirrer Pilot Scale
Heidolf/MR Hei-End
65. BOD Incubator
66.Homogenizer with chiller
GEA Mechanical Equipment/ High Pressure Homogenizer/PandaPLUS200
67. Fermentor 5L
Major Science/WINPACT FS-01-A05P-220 double Jacketed
68. Refrigerator 400L
Samsung, Model: RT47K6238UT/TL/2018
69. Growth Chamber
Alice Biotech/Growth Chamber with racks
70. Vacuum Oven
Life Science/LS-113/Priyo Scientific
71. Hot Air Oven
Vindish Instruments/Hot Air Oven
72. Rotavapor 50L
73. Freeze Dryer
Telstar Technologies/LYOQUEST -55 ECO BenchTop Freeze Dryer
74. TFF System
Merck Life Sciences/COGNET M1 TFF System
75. Ultrafiltration system
Merck Life Sciences/COGENT-MICRO TFF System
76. Chromatography unit
Millipore K Prime
77. Pass Box
ELS Instrument/SS Passbox (Static) (2 No.s)
78. Refrigerator
79. Fermentor 40L
80. FPLC
Biorad / NGC Quest Plus
81. Chromatography Unit
Merck Millipore/ K PRIME 40-II
82. Ultrafiltration System
Merck Millipore/ COGNET Micro
83. Vertical Autoclave
IKON/LS-103/Life Science
84. Provision for Fumehoods, Ducting,
a) Bench Fume Hood and Walk-In Fume Hoods (Citizen);
b) Laminar Air Flow (Sensocon/S2000-25MM)
85. Provision for minimal furnishing
Laboratory Workstations (Wall bench ;Island bench)
86. Chiller for 20L rotavapor
Polyscience 6100M
87. Dehumidifier
88. pH meter (digital)
Mettler five easy TM PH Meter (3 No.s)
89. Rotavapour 5L with vacuum pump
Heidolph-HEI-VAP Advantage/Hei-VAP Advantage HL
90. Vacuum pump